We only had an afternoon in Florence. We'll definitely need to go back. We saw the bridges and ran through Ufizzi Gallery. Amazing.

Then, it was off to Rome. Our apartment manager, Toni, took us to an amazing restuarant an we were there until almost midnight eating and chatting with him.

The next day we saw the sights with our guide, Nicoletta. She was awesome. We saw the Pantheon (above), Trevi Fountain (below -- which was just a block from where our apartment was), ...

Then, we were off to the Forum and the Coliseum. Amazing. I'm still trying to grasp the concept of walking in the same places of ANCIENT ROME!!!

Wow!! Your trip looks AMAZING!! How awesome!
You got to live a dream of mine! How fun!!!! I'm so jealous!
What an amazing trip! Sheesh, good for you guys!! I'd love to just sit on your couch and look through all the pics, and hear all the stories, man I miss doing that.
AMAZING!! Becca, what an awesome trip!!I hope to visit Italy some day with my hubby and no kids!
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