Friday, December 14, 2007

Rolls that Go On Forever

Budding Photographer???

So, I went to an Enrichment interest group activity on photography and I learned a few things, hopefully, about taking better pictures. This was very beneficial to me since I have a camera that is probably just a couple steps up from a disposable one. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for it. I just always looked at the pictures I was taking and thought, "Well, what can you expect from this camera." Now, I know that wasn't entirely true. I learned a few tips to help. The next day or two I took the kids to a park and just decided to shoot away. My very first photo shoot.
I did break rule number 1: Take pictures outside just after the sun has set and early morning when the sun has just risen. Don't take pictures in the afternoon. Yeah, well, it was like 1 o'clock or something, but I was being spontaneous, though. So, this picture demonstrates the tip of filling the frame with your subject. I learned to not stand back and snap a picture of what's going on. Get up close and personal and on the subject's level.
Add some texture. My friend suggested putting this is black and white and it would give it some texture. Okay.
I don't know. This one was just cute. =)
The rule of thirds. This was a big one for me. Divide the frame into a thirds horizontally and vertically (so it looks like a tic-tac-toe board). Don't put your subject right in the center of the frame. It's a more interesting picture if it's off-centered. I wonder what Gabbie is thinking right now. ???
Framing. Look around. See what you can include in the frame to frame or border the subject. It's all about making ordinary things looking extraordinary.

This class was really fun and helped me a lot. I'm not there yet, but at least I can get better and knowing I can do it with the camera I already have is awesome!!