Sorry about the long hiatus. Our internet connection has been down for what seems like FOREVER! But, we're finally back, so I don't have to call Bob to tell me what is in my inbox in case I missed an important message from you! =)
I noticed I haven't written anything since September. Things have been going well. Bob and I finally decided what paint colors to put in our bedroom and bathroom. I'm really excited. I went ahead and started last weekend. I just LOVE to paint. It's the fastest cheapest way to update and decorate your room... well, at least in my opinion. And it's actually something I'm good at. I'm not that great at picking out the pictures and accessories. I definitely need help with that.
It's late, but I'll post a picture of the finished product later. Hopefully, I can get completely done this Saturday.
Bob is still working hard and doing a good job at providing for a family. I am so grateful for his dedication and hard work that allows me to be home with the kids.
Davis is talking a lot more everyday. He's obsessed with horses and dinosaurs now that he's seen Ben Stiller's
Night at the Museum. He carries around his "torch" (flashlight) and my car keys and goes looking for dinosaurs. He'll go into the downstairs bedroom and then run back into the living room yelling, "Daurs! daurs!" Translation: "Dinosaur! Dinosaur!" He also loves to sing songs from nursery. He can sing "Popcorn Popping" really well. I'm always impressed. He's also saying "Thank you" and "I love you." Oh my goodness!!! I can't tell you how many times I say "I love you!" to him just to get him to say it back. It is the most heart-warming thing EVER!
Gabbie is SO cute! She's smiley and happy and wants to run around with Davis ALL the time. They sure love each other. Davis is really cute with her. She is completely enamored with him, so that's gotta feel good. =) Gabbie is learning how to eat food without spitting it out with her tongue and is constantly on the verge of crawling. She can go a few scoots to get whatever toy she wants and then she just stays on her tummy until she's frustrated and then yells for someone to come rescue her. She's almost to the point where she can grab something and then sit back down again -- which would be a victory for me, too, so I don't have to come to her rescue as much. I could finish a few things around here. =)
And then there's me. I feel like this is a Christmas card. Maybe I should wait on this. =) But, I am doing well. I've been staying late watching TV, relishing in my alone time with Bob (even though he's usually zonked out around 9 pm). =) When the kids are in bed it's so nice just to do whatever I want. I find myself staying up just to have as much time as I can. It's like going to bed makes the morning come faster when it starts all over again. So, I stay up. Late. Sometimes very late. And the whole time I'm thinking, "I've got to go to bed. Gabbie is going to be up early and who knows when Davis is going to wake up." So, the only time I'm hating is when I hear Gabbie crying in the morning. Maybe one of these days I'll grow up and just go to bed.