Wednesday, August 26, 2009


While Bob was away for school the kids and I flew up to see my parents and siblings for 2 weeks up in Washington! We were there in mid-July and they were having the summer of all summers so we enjoyed the best weather. I loved being able to be outside in the afternoon and we had our dinners out on the deck almost every night. We did a ton of swimming, too!! Gabbie with her cousin, Grace. They are only 1 month apart.
Davis jumping in with his cousin, Sara.

Cousin Jacob doing a cannon ball while Sara and Davis lay out. So funny.

Grandpa and the grandkids getting ready to take the plunge!!



Becca said...

OH man, I knew I should have invited myself to swim over there after you refreshing it looks!!!

Kristine and Philip said...

What a great "action" shot!