Monday, February 11, 2008

Change is always good.....right?

So, it's taken me a week to post it, but we had a realignment of wards in the Lincoln area and we were affected by it. They realigned 3 wards and then created a 4th ward. There are actually 5 wards in total because there is a Spanish branch (but they aren't affected by boundary changes).
Anyway, so we were but in the 3rd ward and were really sad to leave. We weren't the only ones, so we saw some familiar faces and were happy to see them. We were so close though to still be in the 2nd ward and even to be in the 1st ward. Our house is the boundary on both sides it seems like. We look across Ferrari Ranch and there is 2nd ward, and we look across the future highway bypass and there is 1st ward. .... Crazy. It is nice to be able to get to church in 5 minutes instead of 20 (well 15 really when I was driving). =) But, it was kind of a low blow to find out we would be meeting at 8:30 am AGAIN!! For those of you who know me well, you will be praying for me this whole year to have to get up that early. I never thought I would say this, but 8:30 am is great for the kids. We are home in time for a good lunch and naptimes. But, oh man, getting up is somethin' else.
But, we did it and are excited to get to know some more people in Lincoln. I thought I would be more open and understanding, but I'll be honest, it might take a little longer. But, I just have to keep thinking - "Go and Do." Go where we are asked and Do what we are asked. I'm sure we'll still keep in touch with all of you even though we won't see each other every week. Thanks so much for being awesome!!


Kristin said...

Hey! We sure miss you in 2nd ward! I thought for sure you guys were still with us. Your husband was probably very annoyed because I was the "know it all" that swore up and down you were still in 2nd. Well, either way, we do miss you guys already and hope to keep in touch.

Anjuli Fry said...

Hey I just wanted to say"Hi" . Becca Stucki left a message on my blog which led me to hers and then yours. It is fun to see how cute your kids are and to hear how you are doing. I love how blogs can connect you to old friends. Have a great Day!!

Susanne said...

Hey Becca! I found your blog through Kristin's... Can I add you to my sidebar? I'll need to send you an email for you to see ours. Send me a message! swatson @

We'll miss having you in the same ward. But I have high hopes for the changes. I know you'll like all the great people in 3rd ward and I think I'll end up feeling the same way about 1st, in the end. Keep in touch! And we'll see each other wandering the halls with grumpy babies for the rest of the year. Then, we have to hit the 2:30 slot. Ugh.

Mandi said...

Hey Becca! It was really nice to talk to you for a minute on sunday! I was impressed that you jumped right in and lead the music. Be careful you'll get roped into a music calling. Anyway just wanted to say hi and I'm excited to get to know you better!

Kari said...

Becca!! We sure will miss you in 2nd ward but I'm sure you will like 3rd ward just as much! I have some good friends in that ward. It's a great ward. Anyways, I'm glad I found your blog and I'm adding you to mine if that's ok with you. :) This whole blogging thing can be lots of fun and it's a great way to stay close to friends! I'm sure we'll run into you every now and then and for sure this summer at the pool!! Keep in touch!

Loren said...

Becca, it's Lisa Sly. I just found your blog and have to tell you that I am sad you are not in our ward - i was wondering where you guys ended up - i left the meeting that night wondering what ward we were in. Anyways, just want to second what others have said - 3rd ward is my old stomping ground and there are some awesome people in that ward. Goodluck and keep in touch.

Tiffany McGuire said...

Becca, I didn't realize you guys were in 3rd ward. I totally understand your pain since Rich and I are one of the few new familes to 5th ward. We have church at 2:30...Who does that? LOL Ryan will miss seeing Davis on Sundays, and I will miss our meet ups in the mothers lounge. Call me sometime and we can get together!! Tiffany

Cathi said...

oh Becca, you will be sorely missed! I loved seeing your beautiful face on Sundays. You are such a sweet person. We'll keep in touch by blogging right?? I'll check yours and you can check mine! We'll start a regular park day soon and you can meet up at the park with everyone! Enjoy your new ward though, there are some awesome families in your ward!

THE HAGES said...
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THE HAGES said...

Hi Becca,
I was so glad to see your post on my blog. I haven't seen you in forever. We will miss you tons! So I will totally call you to get together. We should take the kids to the park. Anyway, good luck in the new ward!

Heidi Hage

The Elmers said...

Hey I didn't realize you had a blog!! I'm adding you, if that's ok?! Also, i didn't realize you are in a different ward!! I am so lost in who is where now, I feel new all over again!! Well, I'm sure I'll run into you sometime, and I'll keep in touch through the blog ;)