Monday, September 15, 2008

Joy School!

Davis started Joy School at the beginning of the month. There are two other boys that are doing it with him and they are really having fun. This was the first day and the project they did. Davis was excited to have friends over and tomorrow he gets to go over to one of their houses! It will just be Gabbie and me! What should we do? I think we might go get our nails done. =) This is a really fun, easy project. We've done this a few more times since then. You make crayon shavings by using a peeler or a paring knife. Then, fold a piece of paper in half and put your shavings on one side of the paper. Fold the paper and put it inbetween some newspaper or construction paper so it doesn't stick to the iron. Then, iron the paper until the crayons melt. Unfold it and you have a beautiful symmetrical design. Davis just wanted to use one color this time, but you can use as many colors as you want!

1 comment:

Kristine and Philip said...

Good job Davis. I love purple too. Love, Grandma